.: I Love You Grid

Now running on our own servers, I Love You Grid is back and bigger!
Users in World: 1 Regions: 118 Total Users: 141 Active Users (Last 30Days): 24 Total SL Region Area : 4203
I Love You Grid is a 3D Virtual World - our ethos is "Love, Peace, Harmony and Sharing".When you join you can design your Avatar to how you want to be in a Virtual World.
This is far beyond the realms of Microsoft Virtual Reality - this is an immersive world where you can visit other Virtual Worlds to expolore, party or much more.
All your favorite Estates are here, I Love You (including the Ice Mountain Club, Topless/Bottomless Club, Mansour Sky Bar Club, Main Event Stage etc),
I Love You 2 and 3 Residential Estates, I Love You Marina, I Love You Sandbox plus many many more!!
Weekly Events are published at the Welcome Area on I Love You, we have shops and a huge Interconnected Oceans - direct access from all estates!
We are an Adults Only Grid - NO CHILD avatars are allowed and you must be over 18 years of age in real life to enter.
To create a FREE Account - click on the >> CREATE ACCOUNT << link and choose an Avatar - you can edit yourself as soon as you are online.
If you would like your own home here with Free Land then please contact any of the Management Team Inworld.
I Love You Management Team are Debz and Bobbi Fox, Karen and Malik Mansour.
- I Love You Grid Contacts